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Britain By Car - A Motoring History

Kirkby Mallory

A small village standing about eight miles south west of Leicester.  The Mallory name is thought to have originated from that of a follower who came from France with William the Conqueror.

The church at Kirkby Mallory contains a memorial to Ada Lovelace, born in 1815, the daughter of Lord Byron and Anne Milbanke.

Ada was born at Kirkby Mallory Hall.  As a young woman she studied mathematics and later worked alongside Charles Babbage - mathematician, scientist, engineer and philosopher.  Today she is credited with being amongst the first to recognise that numbers could represent entities other than quantity – making a leap from calculation to computation.  For this reason, she is today often described as the first computer programmer.

One of the UK’s shorter circuits, with races for cars, motorcycles, and rallycross.

Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire LE9 7QE, about four miles north east of Hinckley.

1956 – 2013.

Leicestershire locations